This Wide Margin Edition, in a large three-ring binder, allows plenty of space for readers to jot down notes, cross-references and thoughts on each page of the Book of Mormon, from Nephi to Moroni.
With its large print and extra pages for notes at the end of each section, the Wide Margin Edition would be a helpful addition for any student or teacher of the Book of Mormon.The Wide Margin Edition contains 29 separate sections that can be removed for separte study and then returned to the binder. Each section covers about 10 chapters of the Book of Mormon and each page has been equally divided with the scriptures on one half and room for notes on the other.
Ricks, a former BYU professor of religion, also has included a section on the origin of the Book of Mormon. This opening section describes the different plates that make up the Book of Mormon, and with detailed diagrams, shows which books came from the Small Plates of Nephi, the Large Plates of Nephi, the Plates of Mormon and the Plates of Ether. KS