Bids have been opened on a Utah Department of Transportation project to widen 1.6 miles of Redwood Road from North Temple to 10th North, but major construction will not begin until spring.
Western Quality Concrete Inc. was the apparent low bidder, having pledged to do the seven-month job for just under $3.5 million. UDOT engineers had estimated the project at about $50,000 more.The road will be widened to accommodate four traffic lanes, and a new traffic signal will be installed at Fifth North. Traffic signals at North Temple, Seventh North and Tenth North will be upgraded with new equipment.
Plans call for the widening work to be done on one portion of the road at a time, so motorists can continue to use a section of the road. However, no left turns will be allowed off of or onto Redwood Road from most side streets while the project is under way.
Some work may be done on the curb, gutters and sidewalks this fall, but motorists should face only minimal traffic problems until major construction begins in the spring.