A tip from a psychic failed to help searchers find a former Utah television personality missing since Oct. 22, authorities said.
"We came up with absolute zip," said Lane County Deputy Sheriff Jim Lubben, who participated in the search south of Florence along with five U.S. Forest Service employees and members of the missing man's family.Lubben said no more searches are planned unless additional leads become available.
The missing man, James Patton Montgomery III, 33, a writer for a Portland advertising firm and a former host of the PM Magazine television show in Salt Lake City, had been staying in his parents' cabin on Mercer Lake. An unfinished letter in the cabin indicated he had planned to go for a walk on the beach when he disappeared.
A dozen members of the Lane County Sheriff's Posse and a deputy searched for 12 hours on horseback in the Sutton Beach area Saturday without finding any trace of Montgomery.