Six Brigham Young University faculty members have been awarded Alcuin Fellowships, recognizing outstanding dedication to the general education and honors programs of the university.
"The Alcuin Fellowship recognizes outstanding teacher-scholars whose work at the university transcends the limits of their disciplines and who have made significant contributions in the general education and honors curriculum at BYU," President Jeffrey R. Holland said.The recipients are Bruce A. Chadwick, professor of sociology; J. Duane Dudley, professor of physics; Eugene England, professor of English; James E. Faulconer, associate professor of philosophy; Samuel R. Rushforth, professor of botany; and Richard D. Sagers, professor of microbiology.
J.R. Kearl, dean of BYU's general education and honors programs, said the awards provide support for research, curriculum and professional development for three years.
The award is named after the eighth-century scholar Alcuin of York, who established the Palace School of Charlemagne and brought about major educational reforms in all areas of the curriculum.
Chadwick has served as a professor of sociology at BYU since 1977. He was department chairman from 1978 to 1984 and now serves as director of family studies.
Dudley began teaching honors courses at BYU in 1966. He served as an associate director of the honors program from 1967 through 1974.
England joined the BYU faculty in 1977, and he has received many honors and awards for his efforts. He was appointed associate director of the honors program in 1978 and serves now as a professor of honors English.
Faulconer, a member of the graduate faculty since 1983, specializes in contemporary European philosophy and the history of philosophy. He received the Honors Professor of the Year Award for the 1987-88 school year and has been invited to be a member of this year's faculty of the Collegium Phaenomenoligicum, a select international study group of top scholars.
Rushforth has been a faculty member at BYU since 1970 and is recognized internationally for pioneering the field of diatom (microscopic algae) systematics.
Sagers served as associate dean of the College of Biology and Agriculture from 1982 until this year. He has a long record of service as an administrator, teacher and researcher. He was appointed chairman of the former department of bacteriology in 1961 and chairman of the Department of Microbiology in 1978.