More than 250 professionals will meet Jan. 26 and 27 at Brigham Young University to discuss crisis intervention and emergency psychology during the ninth annual Health and Welfare Conference, sponsored by BYU's department of health sciences.
The conference, "Crisis Intervention," will feature visiting faculty members Diana and Lewis Everstine of the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, Calif.The Everstines say the stress and turbulence of our present culture have forced more clinicians, human service workers, mental health professionals and police officers to deal with crisis situations. They define crisis intervention as making an immediate response to human needs.
One highlight of the conference, said conference director Brent Q. Hafen, will be the opening address by James L. Greenstone, president of the Southwestern Academy of Crisis Interveners. Greenstone will discuss "The Nature of Crisis."
Topics addressed throughout the conference will include sexual abuse, long-term emotional consequences of traumatic events, suicide, hostage situations, stress management, drug and alcohol crises and depression.