Students at two-year community colleges pay a higher percentage of their instructional costs than their peers at four-year institutions, Salt Lake Community College President O.D. Carnahan says.
Carnahan reported that SLCC students pay 50.86 percent of their classroom instructional costs in tuition and fees, while Utah Valley Community College students pay 56.39 percent. He said one reason UVCC's percentage is higher than SLCC's percentage is because the Utah County school has 500 to 600 non-resident students, who pay tuition three times higher than resident students.A report released Wednesday morning to the SLCC Institutional Council compared the SLCC student's tuition and fees as a percentage of instructional costs to fees at Utah's other colleges. They included: University of Utah, 37.35 percent; Utah State University, 36.49 percent; Weber State College, 44 percent; Southern Utah State College, 41.07 percent; Snow College, 41.80 percent; Dixie College, 50.14 percent; and College of Eastern Utah, 30.83 percent.
The State Board of Regents has decided to boost tuition 7 percent at the two-year institutions and 9 percent at the four-year schools next fall.