Sandy will be host for the Salt Lake County regional competition for the Utah Summer Games next year.
The 1989 finals will be held June 26-July 1 in Cedar City. Regional competitions will be held June 8-10 in Orem and Richfield and June 15-17 in Logan and Sandy.Games Executive Director Rich Wilson won the Sandy City Council's enthusiastic support this week for the idea of the city being host for the Salt Lake County regionals. No other city in the county was invited to compete for the hosting job, he said.
"We asked Sandy because we think they're a strong community," and the city has the necessary facilities and community commitment through its Sandy Pride Days to organize the volunteer effort required, he said.
The regional competition would coincide with the Sandy Pride celebration, and several events may be combined.
Wilson said the games' sponsors will cover all local facility expenses and provide Sandy an operating budget, so the city won't be left holding the bag for anything.
Wilson and the council members agreed that the extensive media coverage the games receive could boost Sandy's identity.
This past year, the Salt Lake County regionals were held at facilities throughout the county. Next year, games officials want a single host community.
Sandy Parks and Recreation Director Mike Shea will serve as regional games director. He said his 10 years as University of Utah recreation director acquainted him with a large number of local experts qualified to help run the individual events. Those events will include general athletics, archery, basketball, horseshoes, trapshooting, softball, soccer, swimming, a 10-kilometer run, tennis and volleyball.