A group that promotes peace handed out teddy bears Friday to youngsters who dumped their war toys in a trash can at a day care center.
"We encouraged children to bring in a toy that promotes violence and they received a cuddly teddy bear," said Margaret Matthews, the Toledo YWCA's child care director and member of the YWCA's Peace Coalition."The idea that we are trying to share with children and parents is that war toys scare bears, and disarmament begins at home when you educate children about non-violence and peaceful playthings," she said.
The children brought in a variety of toys ranging from battery-powered tanks to Uzi submachine guns that squirt water. In exchange, the group handed out 32 teddy bears.
"They were very much aware of what was going to happen. They put the toys right in (the trash can) and went over and got their bears and a badge that said `War Toys Scare Bears.' They were real pleased," she said.