The importance of family home evening has been reaffirmed by the Church. In a letter to General Authorities; regional representatives; stake, mission and district presidents; and bishops and branch presidents, President Howard W. Hunter of the Council of the Twelve stated:
"For over seven decades, Church members have been urged to hold regular, family home evenings. Great blessings are promised to those who follow the Lord's counsel to do so. In 1915, the First Presidency said, "If the Saints obey this counsel to hold family home eveningT, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influence and temptations which beset them.""Monday night continues to be reserved for family home evening each week. Local leaders should see that Church buildings and facilities are closed on Monday nights. Stake and ward activities should not be planned for, or held on, Monday nights. Family home evenings may include family recreational activities in addition to gospel instruction.
"Regarding families and the Sabbath, the following counsel was given when the consolidated meeting schedule was introduced: `Because the new schedule will give families time together on Sundays, parents should plan activities for the Sabbath that will spiritually strengthen the family.'
"Suggestions included were gospel discussion and instruction, writing personal and family journals, holding family councils, family organization efforts, personal interviews between parents and children, writing to relatives and missionaries, family history work, visiting relatives and those who may be ill or lonely, missionary work, reading stories to children, and singing Church hymns together. Leaders should avoid scheduling too many extra meetings on Sunday which will keep families from having time together on the Sabbath.
"We remind all, that the Lord has admonished parents to teach their children the gospel (See D&C 68:25-28). While the most important resource for teaching is the scriptures, parents are encouraged to also use the Family Home Evening Resource Book, general conference addresses, Church magazines, Church videos, and other appropriate family oriented materials. Every new convert family and every newly married couple should be provided a copy of the Family Home Evening Resource Book by the bishopric.
Under the direction of parents, the family should hold a family home evening each week. Family home evenings should focus on building unity and joyful togetherness through activities and through studying the gospel of Jesus Christ."