A rabbit named Roger, an alien named Alf and an actress named Cher have taken top billing in their categories, rated by a national magazine as Toon, extraterrestrial and star of the year.
The three share the pages of the December issue of Ladies Home Journal with a roster of celebrities ranging from a royal baby - Fergie and Andy's - to new mother Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.In all, 10 creatures make the magazine's list as "Celebs of the Year."
- "Hunk of the Year" Kevin Costner, who set "millions of women sighing in theater audiences across the country" when he painted Susan Sarandon's toenails in the movie "Bull Durham."
- "Comeback of the Year" for Sarandon, who's "made it to the major leagues" after 18 years of near-stardom.
- "Actor of the Year" Tom Hanks, "the current leading man of movie comedy."
- "Box Office Champ of the Year" Eddie Murphy, whose seven films have grossed more than $1 billion.
- "TV Woman of the Year" Jane Seymour, "queen of the miniseries."
- "Baby of the Year" Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York, daughter of the duke and duchess of York.
- "Mom of the Year" Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, daughter of President John F. Kennedy.
- "Extraterrestrial of the Year" Alf, the cat-eating star of a TV hit.
- "Toon of the Year" Roger Rabbit.
- "Star of the Year" Cher, whose performance in "Moonstruck" won her an Academy Award.