Bennion residents will have their final opportunity during Wednesday's Salt Lake County Commission meeting to comment on a current proposal to make their community a city.
A public hearing on a Bennion incorporation petition will be held as part of the commission's regular 10 a.m. meeting in the commission chambers at the County Government Center, 2001 S. State.Commissioners could decide Wednesday whether to call a special election next year that would let Bennion voters decide the fate of the incorporation proposal. By law, commissioners must decide within two weeks of the hearing whether to call an incorporation election.
An election probably could not be scheduled before March, just one year after voters rejected a proposal to incorporate Taylorsville-Bennion. The current incorporation petition, which began circulating almost immediately after that election, proposes a smaller city of 18,000 to 19,000 residents.
The earliest date by which the 4.5-square-mile area could become the city of Bennion is July 1990.
However, commissioners could decide against holding another election so soon after defeat of the Taylorsville-Bennion incorporation attempt. They also could decide to redraw the petition's proposed Bennion City boundaries before calling the election.