Construction on Provo City's new water resources operation and administration building is under way in the East Bay area, the director of the city's water resources department said Tuesday.
M-13 Construction of Springville was awarded the contract to build the complex and has already moved on site, Merril Bingham said."The advent of East Bay brought into focus what we needed to do," he said. "We are happy to report our final plans to build."
Bingham said the city has considered building a new complex for about five years and finally secured plans in East Bay next to the city's municipal services building.
The new building - a 15,000-square-foot facility - is expected to be completed by July and will cost $768,000 to construct. It will be at 350 East and 1325 South.
Money for construction will come from water systems improvement revenue bonds that were sold by the city in 1981 and from money budgeted for construction in 1983.
The two-story building will provide office space and a garage area for maintenance on city equipment. A building for covered parking will also be built to store city equipment.
The complex will be built of brick and cinder block to go along with the East Bay look. "We wanted to make it attractive, yet functional," Bingham said.
An 8-foot wall will also extend from the new building to hide the public works yard from the street. "We think this will be a real addition to East Bay and will help the city set the example of landscaping and proper maintenance in the area."
The building will include administrative office space for four of the department's six operation divisions: administration and engineering, water sources, water distribution, irrigation and storm drain, and administrative offices of the public services department.