25 Years ago
Church President David O. McKay cited a favorable change in public opinion toward the Church in Wales while he was there dedicating a meeting house in Merthyr Tydfil, the home of his mother."I was surprised over the growth of the Church in Wales, and more particularly with the change in sentiment toward The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints," said President McKay in the Sept. 7, 1963, issue of the Church News.
He had dedicated the meetinghouse Aug. 25, 1963.
President McKay explained: "The growth is due to the activitied of our membership . . . . About three years ago when we broke ground for the new building, the evidence was just budding, showing a change of sentiment toward the Church."
Quotes from the past
"It is my highest delight and pleasure to serve God and keep His commandments; there is great delight in the law of the Lord to me, for the simple reason - it is pure, holy, just and true; and those principles which the Lord has revealed are the only correct principles that man possesses on earth." - President Brigham Young, in a speech delivered in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City May 14, 1871.