Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. - Prov. 31:10. "You young women have a duty to serve the Lord, to honor womanhood according to the Church beliefs and not the world's," Elder David B. Haight of the council fo the Twelve said at October 1977 general conference."One of your most important obligations is to be and remain clean andpure. When you are clean and pure, the young men you date will be clean and pure. . . .

"You, a daughter of Zion, can be a shining light as you set the right example. Refrain from early dating or going steady. Avoid at all cost the familiarity trap. Instead of spending time in a lovers' lane, why not develop your minds and your personalties? You both have talents to develop and to share."

Elder Haight gave similar advice to young Aaronic Priesthood bearers at the priesthood session of the April 1981 general conference.

He said: "Beloved young friends, much of our future rests with you. You are needed - not to be weak, but to be strong. You can hold high the beacon of light in a darkened world as you testify of a living God.

". . . We are not out of touch with you and your challenges. We have walked in the same moccasins.' We dated lovely girls and know that associations with them can be uplifting, wholesome and a beautiful experience.

"Live so your memories can bless the full length of your life. Live for that glorious day when you will go to the holy temple for eternal blessings and joy.

". . . We know you are maturing in a world promoting a quest for fun, excitement, material possesions, immediate gratification, and an attitude of do it now. Develop the strength to defer gratification - to understand there is a time and a season for everything and a maturing process that is part of God's eternal plan."

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