A "fast for the homeless," sponsored by the Fort Collins Colorado Stake, raised more than $6,300 for a new homeless shelter being built by Catholic community Services/Norther.

The project, called "the Mission," is currently under construction here.Chruch members fasted for two meals and gave the money they would have spent on food to the CCS/N building fund. In addition, other churches, civic groups and city organizations were invited to participate. The funds raised form Church members exceeded $4,800, with another $1,500 coming from others in the city.

Stake Pres. Robert Taylor said, "We are so grateful to those who participated with us in this fast. We know the money is going to a very worthwhile project in our community. We are pleased to have played this small part in helping CCS/N help the hoemless in Fort Collins."

Sister Mary Alice Murphy, CCS/N executive director, said the money came at a time when bills were starting to come in for the construction of the shelter and that the additional money was a welcome contribution.

"We express our appreciation to the Latter-day Saints and those who joined with them in donating to our building. When the winter winds blow and the temperatures drop, we can all sleep a little better knowing that there is a warm, safe place for those who are less fortuante to spend the night," the executive director said.

Donations came in from as far away as Arkansas. One retired couple living there read about the Fast for the Homeless in the Mormon Trail, a Denverbased publication for LDS members. They thought it was a worthwhile activity and wanted to help.

One hundred dollars was collected form students at Fort Collins High School by asking students in the lunch room to forego an item of food and donate the money to help the homeless.

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