If county commissioners aren't happy with janitorial services in the new government center, they have only themselves to blame, says the president of R.B. Davis & Co.
Robin Davis told commissioners this week his company has fully honored its 7-week-old contract to clean the Utah County Regional Government Center. The reason certain areas may not have been cleaned to commissioners' satisfaction is because the contract isn't adequate, he said.Davis said he decided to terminate the existing contract on Sept. 19 because it has prevented his company from doing an adequate job. Last week Commissioner Gary Anderson berated private custodial companies for not doing an adequate job the past five years and said the county should turn to in-house employees.
Davis reminded commissioners that construction cleanup was not finished when his company was awarded the janitorial contract. Adhesives used to lay carpet weren't cleaned up, and tile floors were never acid-washed.
In addition, the contract has no provisions for sanitizing the health department building, unclogging toilets and cleaning elevators.