- A COMEDY SET IN A REST HOME opened Friday at Valley Center Playhouse in Lindon, Utah County, and will continue performances Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays through Feb. 6.

"Green Bough in My Heart," by Ruth and Nathan Hale, features Lucille Brown as Marybelle, who checks into the rest home - and the place will never be the same. Gale Hellman plays the owner of the rest home, while LeRoy and Letha Wilcox play the not-so-young lovers.Mel Taylor is directing.

Admission is $3.50 for adults, $2.75 for senior citizens and students, and $13.50 for a family. The theater is at 780 N. Second East in Lindon. For reservations and group discounts, phone 785-1186 or 224-5310.

- UTAH CITIZENS FOR THE ARTS will conduct its eighth annual Evening with the Arts, beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Capitol Theater, 50 W. Second South.

This year the accent will be on the talent, creativity and dedication of youth, with performances by the University of Utah's Children's Dance Theatre, the Utah Youth Symphony, Very Special Arts/Utah, and the U. Theatre School for Youth. There will be exhibits in the lobby, and a light buffet will be served following the program.

Reserved parking will be provided by American Savings, on West Temple between Second and Third South. Tickets at $10, $8 for UCA members and $4 for children, are available in advance by calling 581-7374, or they may be purchased at the door.

- THE PRELIMINARY ROUND of the Utah District Metropolitan Opera auditions will be held on Jan. 14, beginning at noon in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. Utah singers in all voice categories, between the ages of 19 and 33, will be adjudicated to select Utah finalists.

Finals will be held at 7:45 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Assembly Hall, with winners going on to regional competition in Denver. Both events are free, and the public is welcome.

Judges for Saturday's preliminaries will be Houston Hill, Ewan Mitton and Jeanne McGuire. Mrs. Warren J. Oestreicher is chairperson for the Utah auditions.

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- THE AMERICAN WEST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS, Terrell Lamoreaux director, will hold auditions from 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday in the Sandy City Hall, 440 E. 8680 South. There are openings for all instruments and voices, and auditioners should have a short musical number prepared.

The chorus of about 130 members and a symphony of approximately 65 rehearse from 7 to 10 p.m. Sundays in the City Hall. For further information, call Susan Barlocker, 262-8385.

- THE ELEANOR KENNARD CHORALE is now auditioning male singers for 1989. The group sings a variety of popular, classical, patriotic and folk music, and is preparing a spring concert of music by American composers.

For an audition appointment or more information, call 277-4228, or 292-1064.

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