Only one person is seeking the major's job, while six candidates are seeking two City Council seats on the Nov. 7 ballot in an election with apparently few hot campaign issues.
David H. Wright Jr., 46, 1209 S. 800 West, a city councilman for nearly eight years, is running unopposed for mayor.Wright served on the council from 1982 to 1986 and was elected to another four-year term two years ago. Once elected mayor, he will have to appoint someone to fill his unexpired term of two years.
Historically, some city councils have appointed the losing City Council contender with the highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term, but neither Wright nor his council is bound by such a course.
Wright said he wants to continue helping a hazardous waste disposal company phase out its operations "in the safest possible way for Woods Cross. In addition, we need to concern ourselves with providing the city with future water supplies."
City Council
Bruce W. Borrowman, 32, 1351 W. 1900 South, a senior computer operator for Utah Power & Light Co., has served on the Woods Cross City Planning Commission for a year.
He said he wants faster council action on important city issues and more updates on plans of action for upgrading city facilities and services. "We need to look at air quality in the city and better maintenance of city property."
James L. "Mike" Clark, 64, 1303 S. 875 West, who works in the legal unit of the Utah State Tax Commission, served in Ada County, Idaho, from 1965 to 1978 as chief deputy for the county assessor and subsequently as county assessor.
"We need to continue to develop recreational facilities in Woods Cross, and children here need better crosswalks and other street safety facilities."
Neal F. Hewlett, 40, 679 W. 1400 South, a water specialist in the maintenance department at the University of Utah, ran for the city council unsuccessfully two years ago.
He said he would like a broader tax base for the city and encourages new businesses. "I'd like the city administration to be more open with citizens and to let them know what is going on, possibly in the form of a regular newsletter."
Glen G. Jenkins, 35, 1412 S. 875 West, president of Great Western Plumbing Supply, Inc., Ogden, has spent nearly four years on the City Council and is seeking his second term of office.
"I'd like to move the salvage yard out of the middle of the city and develop that property within the guidelines of our Redevelopment Agency, and I'd like to build an 18-hole golf course in the southwest part of the city below 1100 West and south of 1600 South."
Russell S. Mitchell, 29, 1829 S. 580 West, a microbiologist and technical supervisor at Hucsto, Inc., Salt Lake City, says he has attended more than 50 percent of the City Council meetings in the past two years.
"I want to reduce the residential garbage collection fee while still maintaining good services and let citizens know more about what is going on in the city, possibly with fliers, especially residents who live near an area where the City Council is considering making a change. I think the council needs to knock on more doors and find out what the people want."
Donald D. Moore Jr., 44, 721 W. 1000 South, a field engineer for Mountain Fuel Supply Co. and a registered land surveyor, said he feels it is a citizen's duty to give service to his community.
"I'd like to use my experience to serve my fellow citizens as a city councilman in Woods Cross," he said.