A few weeks ago I wrote about a project that I am pursuing. I'm trying to find the Utah couples who have been married for nearly three-quarters of a century - those married about 70 years or longer. So far I have heard about seven such couples, and Ralph and Ruth Anderson from Springville are in the lead. They were married on Aug. 12, 1914, and just celebrated their 75th anniversary last August. Clyde and Lilian Wood from Holden are No. 2 so far. They have been together 73 years and were married Sept. 16, 1916.
Since writing the column, several people have asked why I am interested in this endeavor. There are several reasons. First, I think any couple who has been married through two major world wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Depression of the 1930s and survived the decade and social turmoil of the '60s needs to be honored and recognized in some way.Second, I tell my students in my Preparation for Marriage Classes at BYU about these couples. We talk about commitment and what it might be like to be married for three-quarters of a century. What kind of experiences might a couple encounter together during 75 years of marriage?
Finally, I do it for personal and perhaps somewhat selfish reasons. Few things during Susan's and my seemingly insignificant 25 years of marriage have affected me as much as studying or interviewing couples who have been married for 70 to 75 years. Those who are recently married (say within the past 25 years or so . . . ) gain a new perspective on marital relationships. Married couples who attain the much acclaimed golden anniversary can also set new goals for additional years together.
It may well be as we all learn how to live longer that we will also learn to live better. (Fifty years ago, the husband usually died within three years after the last child left home.) And hopefully those extra years can be enjoyable and fullfilling.
So here they are thus far - Utah's honor roll of longest married couples;
(1) Ralph and Ruth Anderson, Springville, married Aug.12, 1914.
(2) Clyde and Lilian Wood, Holden, Sept. 16, 1916.
(3) Merrill and Twila Thornton, Parowan, April 18, 1917.
(4) Verne and Corilla Thorpe, Salt Lake City, married June 11, 1917.
(5) Andrew and Laura Smith, Roy, married July 30, 1917.
(6) Howard and Myrtle Pulsipher, Salt Lake City, Sept. 27, 1917.
(7) Arthur and Hazel Miller, Farmington, July 14, 1920.
Who knows? Maybe some national marriage records will be set right here in Utah.
There are undoubtedly other couples who have been married 70 years or more. Will anyone unseat the Andersons for the No. 1 spot? Stay tuned as our search continues! Let me hear from you, regarding relatives, friends or neighbors who might qualify. Write to me 1234 SFLC, BYU, Provo, UT 84602. Tell me the name of the couple, their address, phone number and the date they were married. I'll print an updated list in the near future.