Certified public accountants in Utah are invited to attend a seminar on taxes and financial planning Tuesday, Oct. 31, and Wednesday, Nov. 1, in the Salt Lake Hilton, sponsored by Financial Planners Support Services, Brock and Associates Inc., the law firm of VanCott, Bag-ley, Cornwall and McCarthy, Mutual Benefit Financial Services Co., MB Capital Companies and J&W Se-ligman Inc.
The fee is $39 if submitted before Thursday, Oct. 26, and $49 after that date, according to Kathryn C. Briggs, seminar coordinator. She said attending the seminar is worth 16 hours of accredited continuing professional education credits.Some of the topics will be establishing the financial planning practice, selective incentive plans, planning and charitable filing strategies, the stock market and group fringe benefits.
Teaching the classes will be Merrill J. Bateman, president of Bateman, Jackson & Oveson, economics consultants; S. Robert Bradley, a partner in the VanCott law firm; Henry S. Brock, a registry planner; Douglas B. Foster, senior financial consultant at Brock and Associates Inc.
Also, Daniel R. Grip, regional vice president of Massachusetts Financial Services; David C. Handy, senior financial consultant at Brock and Associates; Gary S. Lesser, senior vice president and director of retirement planning at J&W Seligman; Theodore P. Manno, second vice president of advanced planning services for Mutual Benefit Life.
Others are Lee S. McCollough, president of Duncan, Callister and Nebeker; Marcus G. Pinnock, economics and financial consultant at Brock and Associates Inc.; and Stephen M. Robinson, senior financial consultant at Brock and Associates Inc.