To the editor:
The use of diverted sales tax revenue for construction of Olympics related winter sports facilities should receive an emphatic "no" vote in the Nov. 7 election.Projects that will pay their way can be handled by private enterprise. If some public support is needed, the constitution can be amended by voters in the 1990 election to provide for a state property tax that will be levied on urban land values only. Any activity that brings an increase in population tends to bring an increase in land values. Unless a greater tax is put on land values, land prices tend to climb with the undesirable effect of making new housing less affordable and new production less profitable.
Indeed, the 1998 Winter Olympics should come to Utah and should come without the diversion of existing tax revenues. Nor should there be any increase in disincentive taxes, which already are too great a burden for the kind of healthy economy that is wanted.
Earl A. Hanson
executive secretary
Intermountain Single Tax Association
Cedar City