Most residents of American Fork, Pleasant Grove, Lehi and Lindon participating in a workshop Thursday regarding the UTA annexation seemed to favor UTA's transit service plan for their communities.
Residents of those areas will vote on the proposal in November.At the workshop, UTA spokespersons Michael Allegra, Kathleen McMullen and Kip Billings described the proposed routes, schedules and costs. City officials and residents from the communities voiced their opinions about the proposal.
McMullen addressed requests, questions and comments from past workshops and hearings and said these concerns were considered in planning the proposed routes.
Residents want the routes to serve important destinations and provide service near the center of town. McMullen said frequency of service was preferred over coverage. Convenient coordination of transfers between buses was also considered.
"We tried to set up the system so we can expand in the future," McMullen said.
If the proposal is approved, two existing routes to Salt Lake City and Hercules will be modified to include the additional communities. Also three new routes will be added.
Billings said the modified routes could go into effect as soon as Jan. 1.
American Fork Councilman Crosby Mecham said he favors the UTA annexation, and Lindon City administrator Ray Brown agreed. He said his view represents the majority of the citizens in Lindon.
David Holdaway, Pleasant Grove mayor, said he was pleased that the proposed routes include destinations residents had suggested at workshops.
The majority of citizens who spoke at the workshop were in favor of the proposal.
In order for the four communities to receive UTA service, both the larger communities of American Fork and Pleasant Grove would have to vote in favor of the proposal.