Dan Lofgren of Prowswood Management has been elected president of the Home Builders Association of Greater Salt Lake.
Other officers are Eugene Peterson, First General Services, first vice president; Bob Neff, Neff Construction, second vice president; Harro Van Leeuwen, First Security Bank of Utah, secretary/trea-surer; and Kent Anderson, First Federal Savings, associate vice president.Elected directors during the annual meeting were Steve Cook, CPH Construction; Ron Iacono, West View Homes Construction; George Jorgensen, Whicker Jorgensen Construction; Jay Rindlis-bacher, Royal View Homes; Paul Shaw, Shaw Building Group; Steve Sheffield, Sheffield Development; Merlin Taylor, MST Builders; and Russ Watts, Watts Corp.
Chosen as associate directors were Steve Butterfield, Butterfield Lumber; Randy Cook, KSL-TV; Jerry Eldredge, US WEST Cellular; Rick Gates, Associated Title; Lew Robbins, Interstate Brick; Douglas Tapking, Salt Lake County Housing Authority; Phil Webb, Murray City Corp.; and John Worsley, Deloitte Haskins & Sells.
Receiving the V.A. Bettilyon Builder of the Year Award was Rod Thorne, former association president, while KSL-TV received the Harry Barrington Associate of the Year Award.
Others honored were Neff, the President's Award; Jim Turner, Utah Power & Light Co., the 5-Star Associate Award; and Sheffield and his wife, Pamela, the President's Award of Honor.