A proposal by Sen. Lorin N. Pace, R-Salt Lake, to seek a $50 million state bonding program exclusively for school technology elicited both commendation and concern from the Jordan Board of Education.
Board members liked the fact that a legislator is cognizant of education's need for more technology, but felt the idea might be ahead of reality in the state. Pace envisions a computer lab in every school in the state for student instruction.The board directed the district staff to address a letter to Pace expressing their concerns, which included:
-Taxpayers could still be paying on the bonds long beyond the expected life of computers.
-Many teachers are not yet trained to use computers effectively for student instruction.
-Ongoing technical support would not be part of Pace's proposal, but would be a realistic expense for the district.
"It would appear that a more systematic approach to implementation over (many years) will have a greater chance of success," a board summary said. Such an approach would allow for a year-by-year allocation of funding from the state, possibly from expected surplus funds.