College scholarships have been awarded by Lagoon Corp., owner-operator of Lagoon Amusement Park, Pioneer Village and Lagoon-A-Beach, to 23 student employees.
Recipients include three students from Brigham Young University, three from Utah State University, seven at the University of Utah and 10 from Weber State College.Recipients and their college: Deann Dean, Camille Lotz and Kyle Tippits, BYU; Christy Calvin, Donna Oakeson and Kim Olds, USU; Michelle Byers, Fawna Gillette, Merrill Godfrey, Paul Kotter, Marc Nadauld, Stacey Stephenson, Rodney James Wayman, U. of U.; and Catherine Barlow, Pam Bender, Scott Black, Brent Christensen, Denise Dixon, Elisa Hanney, John M. Jachim, Douglas Martenny, Joanna Oester and Tanja Shunn, WSC.
Lagoon's end-of-season scholarship awards are a tradition that began more than 30 years ago of rewarding employees for a job well done. To date, more than 350 scholarships have been awarded, officials said.
The amusement park has a number of second- and third-generation employees. Retention among seasonal staffers, who work approximately 130 days from May through September, is fairly high. This year's scholarship winners have logged a total of more than 90 seasons, with individual tenure ranging from two to 10 years.