Sunday School has a vital family role, according to Elder Hugh W. Pinnock of the First Quorum of the Seventy and general Sunday School president.
"We are particularly excited with the new opening exercises," said Elder Pinnock in a recent interview. "Families can begin their Sunday worship period together and end their formal Sunday Church experience as a family in sacrament meeting.Another encouraging aspect of Sunday School is the gospel doctrine class, where "we are just opening the door" in teaching by the Spirit.
"The gospel doctrine teachers who use the gospel doctrine lessons as they are written with a strong accent on teaching directly from the scriptures just love what they are doing," noted Elder Pinnock. "Several told me they have not only learned more themselves, but also the experience has changed their feelings about the scriptures, and the way the scriptures work in people's lives.
"I have talked with a number of gospel doctrine teachers and have felt their enthusiasm," added Elder Ted E. Brewerton, second counselor in the Sunday School general presidency.
"Teachers who succeed in this teach by the Spirit, relating the scriptures to the class, and then letting the class relate the scriptures to their own lives."
Elder Pinnock further said leaders also encourage class members to learn by the Spirit. "If we can rely upon the Spirit and the scriptures and words of our living prophets, then we will have an understanding of what Heavenly Father wants us to do and be."
"And, as class members gain deeper gospel understanding, they will want to share the gospel with their non-attending friends," said Elder Derek A. Cuthbert, first counselor in the Sunday School general presidency.
"This means loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Almost everyone could bring a neighbor or friend to Church every Sunday. We would encourage those attending Sunday School to bring friends to participate in this wonderful Sunday School experience."
Sunday School, he continued, has so much to offer. "We have modern scriptures, along with the Bible, and the finest referencing system in the world. We have more tools - more gospel helps - to study the scriptures than people could find anywhere."
Elder Pinnock offered counsel to ward leaders involved in Sunday School:
- "A bishop sets a wonderful example when he goes to the gospel doctrine class, along with his counselors, and they sit with their wives and worship and study and read the scriptures together. Can you imagine the negative example set, and message sent, when our Church leaders do not attend Sunday School?
- "We would hope all of our ward and stake officers and teachers are in Sunday School. We understand Primary workers cannot attend, however.
"Basically, Sunday School will be well-attended if our priesthood and auxiliary leaders encourage members to attend.
- "If I were to give any suggestions to our Sunday School presidency, I would say, first, briefly visit every class in Sunday School each Sunday. Second, encourage your teachers to be more skilled by training them, and sharing ideas with them. Third, become actively involved in the enrollment procedure and have the ward Sunday School secretary work with the class Sunday School secretaries to ensure that accurate records are kept, and that leaders be informed of those not attending."
He described the Sunday School president as one enthused about learning from the scriptures but who does not necessarily have to be a master teacher. "Of course, he needs to be a man who loves the Lord and loves people, and encourages them to attend."
As a member of the Sunday School presidency conducts the opening exercises, he has a "wonderful opportunity to influence the ward."
- In a more quiet way, the meetinghouse librarians also have a great influence on the ward. "What a benefit our meetinghouse librarians are to our Sunday School teachers and other teachers," he expressed.
- The instructor of the teacher development course, which is also a responsibility of the Sunday School, can help teachers and ward members in general sharpen their teaching skills. The course is available for them every three or four years.