Christin Holbrook, executive director: "I met a 3-year-old boy named Noohu. His hair is falling out from disease and his mouth is full of infection. We can get medicine directly to him so he will be alive next year."
Dr. Joan Hulme, pediatrician, Primary Children's Medical Center: "Their medical needs are great. There's much Utahns can - and must - do to relieve the senseless suffering of women."Kathryn Lindquist, writing instructor and Ph. D. candidate, University of Utah: "These Mali women are beautiful and dignified - and too many are slowly bleeding to death. We owe it to them and ourselves to help stanch the flow."
Patricia Ormsby, home economics professor, Brigham Young University: "The meetings we had with the village women were enlightening. I had the feeling that no one had ever asked them about their daily work, hardships and hopes."
Addie Fuhriman, chairwoman of the U. educational psychology department: "The strength of the women's alliance is in its directness. Instead of sending a card or cash, we worked directly with them to help them help themselves."
Chris Nelson, volunteer: "In spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the people of Ouelessebougou have somehow discovered what Americans are constantly searching for - peace of mind and companionship."
Judy Dushku, professor of Third World development, Boston University: "The focus of all successful development in Third World countries has to be centrally on women."