When the sun is out, Kiwanis Park may appear to be a sunbather's paradise, but not for long if a group of citizens from the Wasatch-Kiwanis Park neighborhood has its way.
The group met with the City Council Tuesday to discuss problems at the park, which borders Wasatch Elementary School, and to offer some solutions.Essentially, the group wants the city to ban any activity from the park that makes neighborhood children uncomfortable or too curious, said Ron Smith, a group member.
"We are concerned about our lifestyle and our children's lifestyle at school," he said.
Craig Carlile, a resident of the area, said the worry stems from the conduct of those who use the park. Park use is no longer desirable to a family and the safety of neighborhood children is in jeopardy under the present situation, he said.
"There is a negative impact on our children's education when they have to walk through the park and see sunbathers or any conduct that if portrayed on TV would say parental discretion is advised," he said.
The group is proposing the City Council amend several ordinances to solve the problem. They suggest golf, archery and motorized planes be prohibited and curfew hours be changed from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. to prohibit anyone in the park except for those passing through.
Mayor Joe Jenkins said changing curfew hours would pose a problem in the summer when it remains light longer. Joggers who exercise before 6 a.m. would also be affected.
The group also suggests the law prohibit the possession of alcoholic beverages instead of the consumption and that the use of radios and recorded music be prohibited when played outside a vehicle or without earphones.
Installing speed bumps for traffic control is also proposed to inhibit speeding.
"Parking, speeding and other traffic problems create an unsafe environment for a family," Carlile said.
But Jenkins noted that it would be illegal to install speed bumps on a street and that the liability is too great.
Perhaps the most controversial amendment is one that would prohibit people from exposing any portion of their torso one hour before and after school is in session.
Such an ordinance would be difficult to enforce, said Councilman Ron Last.
The mayor agreed: "We want an ordinance that we can enforce. If there is no enforcement it creates more of a problem. We've got to come up with something we can live with and enforce."
Nancy Hutchings, president-elect of the Wasatch Elementary School PTA, said there are no clear marks between school property and the park and many times those who use the park talk to the school children or use the school facilities.
"School should be a secure area. Our children shouldn't be subjected to what they are seeing in the park," she said.
The group also proposed that curbs around the park be painted red and that the speed limit be lowered from 25 to 20 mph.
Jenkins said the city could live with most of the proposals and some significant changes could result.
Similar rules are also being considered by the Provo Board of Education so the city and school district will be able to enforce the same laws.
Police Chief Swen Nielsen said enforcement would improve if both entities were under the same regulations.
The council will review the proposals before taking action.