DEAR ABBY: Your column about grandmothers who favor one grandchild over another reminded me of my own grandmother. I am 51 years old and will never forget my fourth birthday. My cousin and I shared the same birthday, and our mothers had planned a party for the two of us.
My grandmother gave my cousin a set of dominoes and a large doll with blond hair. It was the most beautiful doll I had ever seen.I opened my gift and found a piece of green corduroy yardage. Grandma said, "Your mother can make a dress for you out of this." I still recall thinking at that moment, "Grandma doesn't like me." To this day I can't remember ever having shared a hug or a kiss with her.
My only vivid memory of this grandmother was the hurt I felt on my fourth birthday. - ROSE MARIE POWERS, OLYMPIA, WASH.
DEAR ROSE MARIE: Your grandmother must have been a medical miracle. One wonders how she could have lived for so long without a heart.
DEAR ABBY: I am writing to congratulate the students at Skeen Elementary School in Leesburg, Fla., for their "Litter Perfect" program, and to let your readers know about a national public awareness campaign called "Take Pride in America."
The U.S. Department of the Interior is the lead agency for the Take Pride initiative. Certainly, as "landlord" of more than 500 million acres of public land, I am familiar with the enormous problems associated with careless use and intentional abuse of America's precious natural and cultural resources. And, I believe it is our responsibility, our duty, to use these treasures prudently, and pass them unspoiled to our children and grandchildren. How we care for the land today will determine whether or not we will be able to enjoy its majesty and bounty in the future.
"Take Pride in America" promotes wise stewardship through volunteerism with the assistance of the Advertising Council Inc. in a public service advertising campaign. Equally important is a national awards program that recognizes annually the most outstanding stewardship activities occurring across the country. Anyone wishing more information about how to nominate deserving individuals and organizations for awards can write to: Take Pride in America, PO Box 1339-A, Jessup, MD 20794.
Surely, these 12 young students at Skeen Elementary School are a bright and shining example of the "thousand points of light" upon which the American people, President Bush and his administration rely to contribute to the care of this great country.
Thank you, Abby, for helping us to spread this important message. - MANUEL LUJAN JR., SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, WASHINGTON, D.C.
C) 1988 Universal Press Syndicate