The West Jordan subdivision with its dozens of children suits Bernie Calderwood.

The man who was Captain KC on KTVX and then Admiral Bernie on KSL television retired from KSL three years ago - but he's still knee-deep in kids."We are the grandpa and grandma of the whole neighborhood," Calderwood said of himself and his wife. A fitting retirement for the man adored by so many Utah children nearly 30 years ago.

Older people remember him as the host of KSL's Big Money Movie. The Big Money Movie was the showcase for a feature film shown every weekday afternoon at 2 p.m. for 13 years.

But those who were children in the '60s remember him as a submarine commander with his dummy, KC-5. KC-5 was a military commander visiting from another planet. Together the two hosted a show for children that ran weekdays through the late '60s.

Parents still come up to Calderwood today and introduce their youngsters to him, explaining to the children that this is Admiral Bernie and they watched him on TV when they were children.

"It's a great, wonderful compliment for me when they do that," Calderwood said.

The Admiral Bernie uniform has been put away, but KC-5, the famous dummy, sits in a rocking chair in Calderwood's livingroom. He still wears the military uniform Calderwood's wife made for him nearly 30 years ago.

Calderwood uses the dummy to entertain his grandchildren and the neighborhood youngsters.

Calderwood retired from KSL three years ago. Shortly after retirement, he and his wife, Natalie, decided their Holladay home was too big now that the children were grown. They sold that home and bought a smaller home in West Jordan, smack in the heart of diaper land.

"I think we're the oldest couple in four miles," Calderwood joked. He doesn't seem to have changed from his television days. He's still gregarious, enthusiastic and optimistic.

But he says his open-heart surgery changed him. "I came out of there wanting to go up on top of Mount Olympus with the biggest megaphone in the world and shout `Thank you!' to the whole world," he said.

His surgery taught him how dependent we all are on each other for our well-being and happiness, he said. He lay in the hospital and thought of all that had gone into his lifesaving operation: medical research funded by millions of donations to the Heart Association and the intensive training of his doctors and nurses.

"It dawned on me that if I'm so dependent on them, somewhere someone is equally dependent on me," he explained. "The Lord had to hit me on the head to get my attention. I've been in front of people all my life, but that's what it took to complete the picture for me."

John Donne's words, "No man is an island," took on a new meaning for him.

"I hadn't heard those words since high school," he said. But as he lay in intensive care after his surgery, those words appeared to be written in red neon on the hospital ceiling.

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"It was literally red neon. It was the dumbest thing I ever saw in my life. I thought, `Come on, Calderwood, you are having hallucinations.' "

But the words changed the focus of his life. Now he works harder at giving.

He also putters in his extensive vegetable garden. Much of the produce is given away. He plays a little golf, writes poetry and enjoys his four grandchildren.

"I have no regrets," he said, looking back on his television career. "I had a great time."

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