As a special service to its readers, the Church News is offering a colorful visual aid featuring stories of the Old Testament and where they took place.
The map on pages 8-9 of this week's Church News will be reprinted on tear-resistant paper. The reverse side will feature Old Testament stories from the Palestine area, "from Dan to Beersheba," which will be published in the Church News next week. The Old Testament chart will be available about Feb. 1.Measuring 13 1/2 by 21 3/4 inches, the chart will be a valuable resource in this year's Gospel Doctrine study of the Old Testament. Since stories appeal to people of all ages, parents also may find the map to be an interesting addition to family home evening lessons in which Old Testament stories are used to teach particular principles.
A free map will be given for each new Church News subscription, or it can be obtained for $2.25 at the Church News office, 30 E. First South, in Salt Lake City, or by mail for $3, which includes postage and handling.