Here is a list of prefiled Senate bills:
SB1 (Carling) - Requires political candidates to remove signs, billboards, etc., after an election.
SB2 (Beattie) - Requires exempt organizations to file with the Division of Corporations each year.
SB3 (Cornaby) - Eliminates certain legal and administrative ties with the state.
SB4 (Richards) - Increases the fines and penalties for repeat convictions of driving under the influence.
SB5 (Tempest) - Provides a waste tire recycle fee.
SB6 (Cornaby) - Changes definitions in employment discrimination law, including payment of attorneys' fees and the provision that if a person sues in state or federal court, any administrative appeal is automatically canceled.
SB7 (Barton) - Allows the U.S. flag to be used in advertising and other legal uses.
SB8 (Barton) - Allows a person to use physical force, other than deadly force, to stop someone from abusing the U.S. flag.
SB9 (Tempest) - Creates a re-employment program for injured workers under the Industrial Commission.
SB10 (Beattie) - Requires the insurance commissioner to publish a comparison list of insurance company rates and coverages.
SB11 (Hillyard) - Amends and/or repeals certain laws concerning search and seizure found unconstitutional by the Utah Supreme Court.
SB12 (Black) - Changes outdoor advertising right of ways, penalties and permits.
SB13 (Tempest) - Indexes the employers' reinsurance fund cash reserve in the same manner as the uninsured employers' fund.
SB14 (Steele) - Makes technical corrections to adoption statues.
SB15 (Black) - Clarifies standards for the employment of minors and establishes a minimum wage.
SB16 (Carling) - Provides that certain medical insurance policies cover the expenses of diagnosis and treatment of infertility.
SB17 (Hillyard) - Clarifies the taxation of telecommunications.
SB18 (Beattie) - Provides that the failure to disclose certain facts about the property being sold is not a material fact or the basis of liability.
SB19 (Cornaby) - Provides for conformity within the Securities Division and allows the director to deny, suspend or revoke licenses and registrations.
SB20 (Barlow) - Requires real estate appraiser registration and certification.
SB21 (Black) - Increases the compensation of legislators from $65 to $75 a day.
SB22 (Myrin) - Includes some new roads on the state road system while removing others.
SB23 (Holmgren) - Appropriates $1.5 million for Bear River studies.
SB24 (Leavitt) - Creates a staff position within state government to coordinate and watch over purchases in public and higher education.
SB25 (Finlinson) - Changes how entities can withdraw from a water conservancy district.
SB26 (Finlinson) - Increase the petroleum tax by 0.5 cents on each gallon sold to pay for an underground storage tank environmental fund.
SB27 (Hillyard) - Makes sweeping reforms in the state's grand jury system.
SB28 (Money) - Increases the minimum bond for an agricultural products dealer.
SB29 (Barlow) - Defines poor persons for purposes of tax relief.
SB30 (Steele) - Reauthorizes the Information Practices Task Force.
SB31 (Barlow) - Allows the Juvenile Court to order guardianship immediately if it has already dealt with an abused or neglected child.
SB32 (Pace) - Amends fee provisions for preparing trust deeds and cancellations of notice of default.
SB33 (Barton) - Greatly diminishes the penalty for paying late taxes.
SB34 (Tempest) - Requires certain recipients to reimburse the uninsured employers' fund.
SB35 (Tempest) - Requires standardized recordkeeping and reporting in the Workers' Compensation Fund.
SB36 (Money) - Expands the tax exemption for farm equipment to include aircraft used only for agricultural operations.
SB37 (Beattie) - Requires disclosure and prior notification of transfer of loan servicing.
SB38 (Money) - Clarifies that the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing shall hold a hearing prior to the suspension or revocation of a license.
SB39 (Barton) - Decreases the interest charged on delinquent property taxes from 6 percent above the Federal Discount Rate to 3 percent above the rate.
SB40 (Barton) - Implements a commercial personal property exemption similar to the residential personal property exemption. Requires a state constitutional amendment to allow such a commercial exemption before this bill could become law.
SB41 (McMullin) - Establishes a statewide property tax rate for property, like cars and boats, that is registered with the state.
SB42 (Holmgren) - Allows movement of certain overwide vehicles without an escort.
SB43 (Money) - Requires cities and towns to have "temporary holding facilities" for criminal defendants during trials in those towns.
SR1 (C.E. Peterson) - Encourages the University of Utah Institutional Council not to rename the School of Medicine after James L. Sorenson.
SCR1 (Christensen) - urges the president of the United States and Congress to protect and preserve the 10th Amendment ensuring a balance of power between state and federal government.
SCR2 (Carling) - Requests Congress to repeal the 55 mph maximum speed limit and allow states to regulate their own limits.
SCR3 (Nielsen) - Urges Utah's congressional delegation to support an amendment prohibiting desecration of the American flag.
SJR1 (Barton) - Recommends that the interim Economic Development committee of the Legislature study solutions to the economic problems of Wendover, Utah.
SJR2 (McAllister) - Allows consideration of senate business at confirmation sessions.
SJR3 (Black) - Approves the reappointment of Wayne L. Welsh as legislative auditor general.
SJR5 (Swan) - Changes the constitutional requirement that all state income taxes go for education.
SJR6 (C.E. Peterson) - Changes the Legislature's rules so no bill can be introduced after the 10th day of the session.
SJR7 (Hillyard) - Updates the state constitution's labor article, excluding a special minimum wage for women and minors.
SJR8 (Hillyard) - A constitutional change to start the annual general legislative sessions from the second to the fourth Monday in January and extend the starting time of a veto override session up to 60 days from the veto.
SJR9 (Hillyard) - A constitutional change that clarifies the emergency powers of government.
SJR10 (Barton) - Changes the constitution to allow the Legislature to exempt a certain amount of personal commercial property from the ad valorem tax.
SJR11 (Holmgren) - Changes the constitution to allow the membership of the State Board of Education to be set by statute, i.e., an appointed board.