Here is a list of new bills filed in the Senate on Monday:
SB44 (C.G. Peterson) - Extends the sales and use tax exemption for pollution control facilities.
SB45 (Tempest) - Changes the penalties for trespass.
SB46 (McMullin) - Eliminates duplication in collecting certain personal property taxes.
SB47 (Barlow) - Changes the way juvenile cases are filed in adult courts.
SB48 (Barlow) - States that an individual must act with intent in stealing cable TV service.
SB49 (Barlow) - Provides a way to terminate non-conforming real estate use.
SB50 (McMullin) - Gives a 2 percent per year benefit to all public employees upon retirement.
SB51 (Tempest) - Exempts factory-built homes from the sales tax.
SB52 (Fordham) - Enhances penalties for certain crimes committed by a group of persons.
SB53 (McMullin) - Restricts the purchase of retirement service credits.
SB54 (Farley) - Restricts and defines the scope of the Great Salt Lake Authority.
SB55 (Holmgren) - Restricts how much the price of motor vehicle insurance can go up following accidents and citations.
SB56 (Farley) - Authorizes the state engineer to control various issues involving dam safety.
SB57 (McMullin) - Recodifies special purpose district laws into a new title.
SB58 (Rees) - Requires standard emission inspection criteria statewide.
SB59 (Nielsen) - Changes the makeup of the electricians advisory board and makes changes in scope of practice.
SB60 (Nielsen) - Defines collector motor vehicles.
SB61 (C.A. Peterson) - Requires state or taxing entity to pay actual interest earned on disputed property taxes.
SB62 (Storey) - Extends time period for filing applications for certain property tax exemptions.
SB63 (McMullin) - Requires that certain motor vehicle fees be deposited in the Transportation Fund.
SB64 (Cornaby) - Bases the retirement of a judge on his final two years' salary.
SB65 (Cornaby) - Increases the legislators' retirement pensions.
SB66 (Cornaby) - Authorizes a retirement system alternative for members who transfer from covered units.
SB67 (McAllister) - Puts a sunset date on all sales and use tax exemptions.
SB68 (McAllister) - Provides for product manufacturers' liability.
SB69 (McAllister) - Provides certain defenses for manufacturers sued under product liability.
SB70 (McAllister) - Allows for produce sellers' liability.
SB71 (Myrin) - Creates a Commission of Indian Affairs, a Board of Indian Affairs and a Utah Indian Committee.
SB72 (McAllister) - Creates a bicycle trail committee and puts $2 million in the committee's account.
SB73 (Beattie) - Gives good Samaritan protection to ski patrol members.
SB74 (Leavitt) - Creates a task force to study the workmen's compensation fund.
SB75 (Holmgren) - Prohibits a person being voluntarily admitted to the State Mental Hospital as a condition of probation or stay of sentence.
SB76 (Steele) - Requires automobile insurance companies to offer optional property damage protection against uninsured motorists.
SB77 (Leavitt) - Provides attorney liability for costs in contingent fee cases when the case does not prevail.
SB78 (Barlow) - Changes the applicability provisions of post-retirement restrictions for elected officials.
SJR12 (Nielsen) - Fixes the salaries of legislative in-session employees.
SJR13 (Beattie) - Requests a study to see if the different state retirement systems can be consolidated.