The Volunteer Reading Program is in need of volunteers to read college textbooks into a tape recorder.
The talking books are for Brigham Young University students who are blind, dyslexic, or who have other reading difficulties. A lot of material needs to be recorded because BYU just began a new semester.Students who need help submit their books to the library and wait for volunteers to help them. The beginning of every semester is a busy time for the program.
Interested volunteers must attend a 30-minute training session before they begin their service. Training sessions are held every Monday and Thursday at 11 a.m. in the BYU library.
For those who are unable to attend the day training sessions, evening sessions can be scheduled on an individual basis.
During the training session, volunteers are taught how the program works, what to do if they cannot pronounce a word and how to use the electronic recording equipment.
Once trained, volunteers read for an hour each time they visit. No regular time commitment is required. Volunteers can read anytime between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday. They must call the library to make sure there is a room available.
Volunteers must be native English speakers and must feel comfortable working the electronic equipment used to record in the library. Volunteers must also be at least 16 years-old.
Individuals interested in becoming a volunteer reader should call the United Way Volunteer Center at 374-8108.
Other volunteer needs include:
-Medallion Manor nursing home is in need of a volunteer to teach a deaf, mentally handicapped man to sign.
-Senior Citizens are needed to help with a variety of volunteer work sponsored by the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. Help with everything from quilting to tutoring youth in the public schools.
For more information on these and other volunteer opportunities, call the United Way Volunteer Center.