The Utah Federation of Drug Free Youth has declared Oct. 22-26 Red Ribbon Week in Utah. The week's activities will call attention to the need for all people to work for a drug-free America.
The week will being when Colleen Bangerter, Utah's First Lady, and other dignitaries hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Eagle Gate Monument at noon Monday, Oct. 22. A school band and improvisation group will perform.That night, the 3rd annual Celebrity Football Game will kick off with BYU Coach Lavell Edwards' "Freddie Krugers" taking on U. Coach Ron McBride's "Raving Brutes." Teams are made up of people from business, political and media communities. The game begins at 6:30 p.m. at Highland High School, where the ball will be dropped in by parachute. Half-time will feature a demonstration by Salty Peaks Roller Blade Demo team, prizes and surprises.
Schools, communities and colleges statewide will hold their own red-ribbon events. According to Vivian Stapley, chairwoman of this year's events, "Statistics show that an active involvement of Utah communities and schools in the prevention of substance abuse has paid off in a reduced rate of incidence of abuse. Despite this, however, there are still 15,000 children in Utah who need treatment. The problems children may face with substance abuse are mind-boggling to most adults, and the effects can be devastating for a community. We encourage every parent to bring their family to the game and join this community in saying no to drugs."