The Southern Utah State College Student Development Office will stay open on Tuesday evenings during fall quarter.
According to Judy Bonniksen, academic counselor, the extended hours are on a trial basis and will begin on Oct. 23."Our purpose is to better meet the needs of students on campus as well as the community," Bonniksen said.
Normal hours for the Student Development Center are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but the Tuesday hours will now be extended to 8 p.m. for scheduling and career planning. CLEP and ACT tests will be offered on Tuesday evenings by appointment. GED tests will also be offered by appointment and are available to members of the community. The GED tests will be given in sections, Bonniksen said.
Other services will include workshops once a month and the possible addition of a computerized career listings service. The first workshop, "Tips on Passing Tests," will take place Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 4 and 6 p.m.
Staff members will have a table set up in the Student Center next week to survey students and assess additional areas where the center can help.
The center is located in Room 101 of the Administration Building. For further information, call 586-5419.