Amid tough budget battles, Rep. Wayne Owens, D-Utah, found some dough-cutting that all members of the House could support Tuesday - passing out free tins of Mrs. Fields cookies for the third year in a row.
One hungry senator - Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. - even cut in on the action.Kennedy ran into an Owens intern delivering the chocolate chip cookies in the Rayburn House Office Building. Kennedy pointed out that Owens was his former administrative assistant and said that should entitle him to a tin. The intern did not argue.
Debbi and Randy Fields of Park City supplied the cookies to sweeten up Congress, and Owens had his staff pass them out among his colleagues.
A letter with the cookies from Owens said, "There's been a lot of talk about cutting dough this session, and sometimes it's been painful, but here's some dough-cutting we can call support."
He added, "As we enter into the remaining days, and probably nights, of the 101st congressional session, I proudly send to you a box of my favorite cookies. I am sure that they will give you the energy to prepare for the last few days and to see you through your campaign ahead."
House members are free to accept such gifts and must report them only if their value is more than $100.