Awards in the Deseret News-KSL Sterling Scholar program range from embossed certificates to a full year's scholarship depending on the student's level of recognition.
All nominees in the program, those representing their high school in 12 categories, are awarded embossed certificates. Finalists, those students who are selected Wednesday to continue on to the second judging, also receive custom-designed Sterling Scholar pins.Runners-up in each category are offered various forms of financial assistance at some institutions while the winners are awarded full-tuition scholarships at the college or university of their choice.
The following are awards offered for the 1990 Sterling Scholar program:
American Technical Center, Salt Lake City - Scholarship of full tuition to all winners and runners-up for one academic program.
Brigham Young University, Provo - One-year full LDS tuition scholarship to winners, and one-year half LDS tuition scholarship to runners-up and finalists, contingent upon the applicants being admitted by the appropriate deadline in good academic standing.
Bryman School, Salt Lake City - Scholarship of full tuition to all winners and runners-up for one academic program.
College of Eastern Utah, Price - A two-year scholarship of full tuition and free on-campus housing in the academic honors residence hall to all winners; full two-year tuition scholarship to runners-up.
Dixie College, St. George - A full tuition scholarship offered to all winners, and a half-tuition scholarship offered to runners-up.
LDS Business College, Salt Lake City - Full tuition to winners and one-half tuition to runners-up. High school nominees and regional finalists are invited to apply for other available scholarships.
Ricks College, Rexburg, Ida. - Scholarships offered to all winners and runners-up to cover one full tuition.
Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City - Full tuition scholarship for three quarters in an eligible program offered to winners, runners-up and finalists in each category. Recipient must enroll as full-time student and pay individual student fees.
Snow College, Ephraim - One-year tuition and fees scholarship to winners, and one-year tuition runners-up.
Southern Utah State College, Cedar City - A one-year full tuition scholarship offered to each nominee. Winners may apply for a second year full tuition scholarship and runners-up may apply for an additional half-year tuition scholarship. All applicants must have at least a 3.5 GPA.
Stevens-Henager College of Business, Provo - One full tuition scholarship for the winner in business for either the 10-month or associate degree program. Onepartial tuition scholarship for the runner-up.
University of Utah, Salt Lake City - Scholarship to any or all winners for three quarters up to 18 hours per quarter and minimum of 12 hours, with recipient responsible for individual fees. Runners-up are invited to apply for departmental scholarships.
Utah State University, Logan - Scholarship of full tuition and fees for three quarters offered to all winners. Scholarship of full tuition (fees paid by recipient) offered to all runners-up. All finalists invited to apply for other scholarships available.
Utah Valley Community College, Orem - A full tuition scholarship for three quarters to each winner and runner-up, fees not included.
Weber State College, Ogden - Full-tuition scholarship to each winner and half-tuition scholarship to each runner-up.
Westminster College of Salt Lake City - Renewable full tuition scholarship to all winners; renewable one-half tuition scholarship to all runners-up, and renewable one-quarter tuition scholarship to all finalists.