The First Presidency has announced the calling of six new mission presidents. They will be assigned to specific missions later and, along with their wives, will assume their positions around July 1. The mission presidents are:
Joseph W. Cook, 62, Colton 1st Ward, Rialto California Stake; serving as missionary in the Santiago Dominican Republic Mission, former regional welfare agent, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Scoutmaster; served in Spanish American Mission, 1948-51; retired educator; received bachelor's degree from BYU and master's degree from Utah State University; born in Logan, Utah, a son of Samuel Bryson and Marilla Crowther Cook; married Enid Caldwell; four children. She is serving with her husband as a missionary in the Santiago Dominican Republic Mission, former stake Relief Society board member, stake drama director, ward Young Women president's counselor, Young Women teacher, Primary chorister and organist, and Sunday School teacher; served in the Spanish American Mission, 1950-51; born in Heiner, Utah, a daughter of Wilford Woodruff and Gladys Cordelia Marshall Caldwell.Orville Wayne Day Jr., 48, Sao Jose dos Campos 1st Ward, Sao Jose dos Campos Brazil Stake; stake president, former stake president's counselor, district mission president, bishop's counselor, branch president, elders quorum president, Cub Scout committee chairman, and priests quorum adviser; served in Brazil South Mission, 1960-63; physics professor and researcher; received bachelor's degree and doctorate from BYU, did post-graduate work at University of Georgia; born in American Fork, Utah, a son of Orville Wayne and Ruby Buhler Day; married Beverly Jean Prescott; four children. She is seminary teacher and Young Women president, former Relief Society president, stake music director, ward Primary president, Relief Society president, Laurel adviser, Young Women president, Relief Society board member, and Relief Society teacher; served in Texas Mission, 1966-67; born in Coalville, Utah, a daughter of Maurice P. and Thora Gines Prescott.
Arturo De Hoyos, 64, Edgemont 5th Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont South Stake; high priests group leader, former temple ordinance worker, high councilor, stake mission president, branch president, elders quorum president, Sunday School teacher, and priesthood instructor; served in Mexican Mission, 1945-47; BYU faculty member; earned bachelor's and master's degrees from BYU, and doctorate degree from Michigan State University; born in Piedras Negras, Mexico, a son of Benjamin and Francisca De Hoyos; married Genevieve Edouarette Argault; three children. She is Relief Society board member, former stake Primary president's counselor and secretary, general Relief Society research committee member, ward Relief Society teacher, Sunday School teacher, Sunday School secretary, and librarian; served mission in Uruguay, 1948-49; born in Autun, France, a daughter of Jules Leon and Jeanne Seguin Argault.
Fernando Rafael Dorantes T., 44, Panamericano Ward, Mexico City Mexico Lindavista Stake; bishop and temple worker, former stake president and counselor, and branch president; building maintenance service worker; received public accountant degree from business school; born in Mexico City, Mexico, a son of Rafael and Amparo Trujano Dorantes; married Elizabeth Guevara P.; six children. She is Relief Society president's counselor and temple worker, former Relief Society president and Sunday School teacher; born in Zimapan, Mexico, a daughter of Jesus Clemente and Maria Luisa Pascual Guevara.
Vernon Bowring Watkins, 63, Biltmore Ward, Phoenix Arizona East Stake; stake president, former high councilor, stake Sunday School president and counselor, bishop and counselor, and Sunday School teacher; retired; earned bachelor's degree from Utah State University and master's degree from Oregon State University; born in Brigham City, Utah, a son of Norman Victor and Nola Bowring Watkins; married Bonnie Jean Taylor; three children. She is Relief Society teacher and family history center worker, former stake Relief Society board member, stake Young Women president, stake Primary president, stake Primary board member, ward Primary president, Relief Society president and counselor, camp director, Mia Maid adviser, Primary teacher, and inservice leader; born in Logan, Utah, a daughter of John Herbert and Mae Loretta Christensen Taylor.
Richard William Winder, 65, Jordan North 2nd Ward, Salt Lake Jordan North Stake; regional representative and temple sealer, former mission president, stake president and counselor, high councilor, and bishop; served mission in Czechoslovakia, 1948-50; owner and manager of a cemetery; studied at University of Utah and University of Southern California; born in Salt Lake City, Utah, a son of Edwin Kent and Alma Cannon Winder; married Barbara Ann Woodhead; four children. She is Relief Society general president, former Relief Society and MIA general board member, Lambda Delta Sigma national president, ward Primary president, and ward Young Women president; born in Midvale, Utah, a daughter of Willard Verl and Marguerite Hand Woodhead.