We listen to a prophet's voice
and hear the Savior too.
With love he bids us do the work
the Lord would have us do.
The Savior calls his chosen seer
to preach the word of God,
That men might learn to find the path
marked by the iron rod.
- Hymns #22
Thousands of Church leaders and members from throughout the world will gather on Temple Square March 31-April 1 to listen to our prophet's voice.
Millions more will have the opportunity to view and hear general conference proceedings on television and radio via satellite or the airwaves.
We will receive instruction and counsel from the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, and other General Authorities and leaders of the Lord's Church. What a great opportunity to learn of the Lord's will for us today!
As we listen to and ponder the words of our prophets, apostles and leaders, we ought to consider who is speaking to us.
We ought to consider that we are living in the last, greatest and most glorious dispensation, the dispensation that will usher in the second coming of our Savior. We ought to consider that the Church today is larger than ever before, with more members, more missionaries, and more priesthood leadership.
We ought to consider that the operation of the Church is more complex than ever before, with tremendous growth, chapels and temples being constructed worldwide, missionaries going to the far corners of the earth, and the latest technological advances being used in Church administration and to further the kingdom.
We ought to consider that this is a time of great wickedness as the adversary gathers his forces to battle the great progress of the kingdom of God.
Given all these considerations, we ought to ask ourselves who the Lord would place on the earth to lead the Church at this critical time, at this time of great growth, great complexity and great preparation for the culmination of the Lord's work.
Would not God save some of the greatest spirits, some of the very elect, to come to earth and lead his kingdom at this time? Would he not carefully prepare them for the tremendous responsibility of leading His Church?
We can be assured that what we hear from these leaders during this general conference . . . "shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation." (D&C 68:4)
So how can we prepare for and be receptive to the counsel provided at general conference?
First, we must prepare spiritually. We can know the things of God only through the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. 2:11.) To the natural man, the things of God are foolishness. The things of God are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:14.)
If we are not in a spiritual frame of mind, we cannot expect to understand or be uplifted by the talks during general conference. We need to pray and perhaps fast to spiritually prepare for conference. If we have a particular problem or sin or difficulty in our lives, we ought to listen carefully for counsel in this specific area.
Second, we ought to gather our families around us and view or listen to conference together. Even young children can catch the spirit of conference if parents prepare them properly and help them understand that this is a special event and opportunity.
Finally, the proper physical atmosphere is important. We won't gain much from conference lying half-asleep on a couch trying to read a magazine between addresses. It's too easy to doze off if one gets too comfortable.
If we prepare spiritually and prayerfully, if we are alert and attentive and our hearts are open, we will better understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword . . . and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
We will find that the word of God given through His leaders will be quick and powerful in our own lives and through the thoughts and intents of our hearts we will become happier, more faithful and more obedient members of His kingdom.