The body of 24-year-old Mark Miller, River Heights, was found early Tuesday morning south of Tony Grove Lake in the Mount Naomi ski area in Logan Canyon.
He had been missing since November.Trailhead Sports owner Scott Datwyler and Logan Herald-Journal photographer Dan Miller discovered the body about 9 a.m. Tuesday. The photographer and skier are not related.
Miller was last seen by friends hiking into the Tony Grove Lake area to go skiing on Nov. 25. He was reported missing later that evening.
Beaver Mountain Ski Patrol members, Cache County Search and Rescue, the sheriff's department and many other volunteers with the aid of search dogs conducted an unsuccessful five-day search.
Datwyler and another man were skiing in the area last week with two dogs when the dogs began sniffing around the area. Tuesday, Dan Miller and Datwyler dug a hole about six feet deep at a spot where Miller's Siberian husky had started digging without finding a trace of the missing skier.
"We were just about ready to give up when we found his ski pole," Miller said.
Digging above the ski pole, Datwyler came upon the skier's backpack, then Miller dug down from above and uncovered the victim's arm and jacket. They then contacted the sheriff's department.
The body was still buried under about 51/2 feet of snow. A search-and-rescue team dug the body out and carried it down to a waiting truck.
The body was then taken to a mortuary and later to the hospital to determine the cause of death.