DEAR ABBY: My son-in-law thinks it's perfectly all right to give his 3-year-old son sips of his beer and wine. He has been doing this for some time. I am extremely concerned over this, as the child seems to like beer and wine, and there is a history of alcoholism on both sides of the family. My daughter has expressed her disapproval of this, but he pays no attention to her.

Abby, please comment on this subject, as my son-in-law is extremely stubborn and nothing my daughter and I have said changes his mind. Maybe he will believe you. - CONCERNED GRANDMOTHERDEAR CONCERNED: I hope he believes me when I say - unequivocally - that giving a child sips of beer and wine is child abuse, whether there is a history of alcoholism in the family or not.

DEAR ABBY: As the end of the school year draws near again, please remind high school graduates not to send graduation announcements to their teachers.

My husband has been a teacher for 26 years, and every year we are swamped with graduation invitations. The same is true for weddings, baby showers and bridal showers.

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Some even write, "I was in your class when I was in 9th grade" or, "I am So-and-So's daughter."

Abby, even sending a card of congratulations can be too expensive for our budget and time-consuming as well. We send gifts and cards to those we feel close to - whether they send announcements or not. If graduates, brides-to-be and expectant mothers would realize how many students their teachers have had during their teaching careers, it would be a big favor to the teachers. Please print this. - NO NAME OR TOWN, PLEASE

DEAR NO NAME: You make a good point. Well-meaning students, please take notice.

What teen-agers need to know about sex, drugs, AIDS and getting along with their peers and parents is now in Abby's updated, expanded booklet, "What Every Teen Should Know." To order, send a long, business-size, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby, Teen Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054. (Postage is included.)

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