On June 9, Utahns will be able to cast a line - license or no license - at a fish.
For the third year, Utah will hold a "Free Fishing Day."The intent of the program is to spotlight the fishing opportunities available in Utah without first having to buy a fishing license.
Along with the free day of fishing, other activities have been planned, including fishing derbies, clinics and outings.
For example, at Wheeler Farm a large pond there will be stocked and kids will be invited to fish there. There will also be a fishing clinic, considered the third largest in the country, co-sponsored by Wheeler Farm, Gart Brothers and Salt Lake County Fish and Game Association. All those attending the clinic must register by calling 263-3633.
Other events include:
- Fishing for handicapped at Perception Campgrounds on the South Fork of the Ogden River. Call Jill DuFour at 625-5182.
- Kids fishing derby at Bridger Lake. Call Mary Clough at 307-789-3194.
- Kids fishing derby at Moose Pond. Call Rick Jones at 784-3445.
- Kids fishing derby at Kids Canal in Vernal. Call Cathy Paulin at 789-1181.
- Kids fishing derby at Uinta River Ponds in Roosevelt. Call Scott Feltis at 722-5018.
- Kids fishing derby at U-N Creek, Freemont River, Forsyth Reservoir and Mill Meadow Reservoir. Call Gary Laing at 836-2811.
- Fishing for handicapped kids at Warner Reservoir. Call U. S. Forest Service at 637-2817.
- Kids fishing derby at Fremont Indian State Park. Call 527-4631.
- Kids fishing derby at Footprinter Park. Call 379-6600.
- Bass fishing clinic at Farmington Ponds by the Salt City Bass Club.
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Park City Handicapped Sports Association's swimming and horseback riding programs will begin June 11.
Physically and mentally disabled individuals, ranging in age from three to 75, with orthopedic, spinal cord, neuromuscular and visual impairments, as well as the developmentally disabled, are invited.
Cost of horseback riding is $3 per lesson, with a five week minimum. Cost of the six week swimming program is $10 for one sessions a week and $20 for two.
For information call 649-3991.