Helping Your Child Succeed in School*, a 36-page booklet, offers many tips for parents. Among them:
Listen. Hold real conversations with your child, asking about school activities. Don't limit talking to relaying information or giving directions.Create Learning Opportunities. Read aloud to the child and, as he grows older, encourage him to read to you. Visit local sites of interest. Have books, paper, writing tools and enrichment activities available.
Start school with eagerness and expectations for success. Impress on your child that everyone, children and adults alike, has things to do. During the school years, education is his job.
Become a learning partner. Parents should help the child practice and apply what is being taught at school.
Encourage and help with homework. Drill is important in learning many skills. By third and fourth grades, 20 to 30 minutes of homework is likely, increasing as the child matures to two or more hours daily. Create a comfortable place for homework, well-lit and away from distractions.
Work with teachers. Attend school events and contact the teacher if your child has problems. Foster an open attitude, maintaining communication and sharing successes as well as problems related to your child.
*The booklet may be obtained by writing School Division, Association of American Publishers, 220 E. 23rd St., New York, NY 10010. One to nine copies are $1.50 each; 10 to 99, $1.25 each; 100 or more, $1 each.