In your column you recently printed lyrics to the song "Itty Bitty Pool" for a grandmother who wanted to sing the song to her grandchildren.
I, too, am a grandmother and I have been trying to find the lyrics to the song "How Much Is That Doggie In the Window?" for a grandchild. Do you suppose one of your readers could help me find all of the words to this song?Thank you for printing the words to "Itty Bitty Pool." I had forgotten most of them, but I remember Kay Kyser, who popularized the song. He was a well-known band leader during the Big Band Era. He had a radio show called "Kay Kyser's College of Musical Knowledge." It was a combination music and quiz show. One of his featured musicians was a fellow by the name of Ish Kibibble! Oh yes, we had some pretty strange names and song titles back then, too. - D.F., Centerville.
Readers: Does anyone have the words to "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?"
Effective exercise
According to the consumer magazine CHANGING TIMES, a panel of experts rated various forms of exercise according to their beneficial effects, such as their aerobic value, fat loss, strength, muscle endurance and flexibility.
Swimming came in on top, followed by cross-country skiing (outdoors), circuit weight training, running, aerobic dancing, cycling (outdoors), rowing machine, walking, stair climbing (machine), golf (carrying your clubs), rope skipping, racquetball/squash, basketball/soccer, weight training, tennis (singles) and calisthenics.