While Utah's congressional delegation is small, has no committee chairmen and has no one in formal party leadership, it leads all other delegations in one category: children.
Utah's delegation has more children per member than congressmen from any other state, by far.Utah's five members of Congress average six children each.
The next highest average, from Alaska, is 4.7 children. The average in all of Congress is 2.8 - which is still above the national average of 2.0 for married couples.
Scripps-Howard News Service researchers compiled the data.
Contributing most to Utah's average are two Republican members, Sen. Jake Garn and Rep. Howard Nielson, each of whom has seven children.
"Howard may even have the most grandchildren of anyone in Congress, with 25 plus two on the way," said his press secretary, J. Morgan Young. Garn has six grandchildren with one more en route, but his youngest child is just 8 years old.
Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch has six children and 10 grandchildren. Reps. Wayne Owens, D-Utah, and Jim Hansen, R-Utah each have five children and two grandchildren.
While the five Utahns own the congressional team title for most children, the individual winners were two other Republicans: Rep. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., who has nine, and Rep. Connie Morella, R-Md., who also reared nine - three of her own and six born to her late sister.
"We are doing what we can to make the GOP the majority party," Morella quipped.