Voters elected two women to the City Council for the first time in West Bountiful history.
Ruth Steele and Vicki Stock led incumbent Bruce Talbot by a combined 55 votes in Tuesday's municipal election.Ten candidates ran for three seats.
Steele, who has served as chairwoman of the city's Community Relations Committee, said she was pleased voters elected two women.
"I think West Bountiful is ready for a little bit of change. We'll add a good balance to the city," she said.
Steele said she believes future residential development should follow the city master plan.
Stock, who led Talbot by three votes, said she was surprised by the results.
"A lot of people told me they were going to vote my way, but you never know what they'll do in the booth," she said.
During her 4-year term, Stock plans to concentrate on developing the city's master plan and involving the Youth City Council in the political process, she said.
Talbot will be the senior member of the council and hopes his previous experience will help the council make informed decisions.
He said that experience and seven years on the city's Planning Commission likely was the "biggest factor" in securing his re-election.