To the editor:
During October, I happened to see a TV documentary on the fighting in El Salvador. This documentary, while perhaps biased, told of the peasant's fight for freedom and how the United States is giving millions of dollars to prop up the corrupt central government.A few days later, I drove past trailers, shacks and mud-covered hogans and over a graveled road to visit Hovenweep National Monument.
When I got there, the visitor center was in a wooden barracks type building. The building was so small that only about 10 square feet was available for displays. There was almost no display of Anasazi pottery or artifacts which our government seems so concerned about preserving.
As we were leaving, I suddenly thought back to the documentary on El Salvador, and I wondered, "Where are our priorities?"
Imagine what even a small part of the money we are sending to El Salvador would do for Hovenweep. We could have a paved road to this national monument. We could have a decent building. We might even be able to obtain and display some of the artifacts we are making so much fuss over.
Most important of all, we could provide employment for an area that desperately needs it instead of using our money to buy corruption and hatred in Central America.
George Hawkins