There is approximately 18 to 24 inches of ice on most of the northern waters. During warming periods, however, ice can weaken around the edges. Fishermen should check ice conditions before stepping onto the ice.
Here is the latest report on fishing conditions from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.Bear Lake - Fishing for whitefish is fair; good for cutthroat and lake trout by Gus Rich's/Sweetwater part. Can be spotty. Move around. Try jigging with spoons or jigs tipped with cisco.
Birch Creek Reservoir - Fair fishing for nice rainbows. Need to walk up dam to get to reservoir. Water low. Pond below dry.
Blacksmith Fork - Generally good winter fishing for browns and whitefish. Artificial flies and lures only, and slot limit being enforced.
Causey Reservoir - Good fishing. Catching pansize rainbow.
East Canyon - Fair fishing. Ice 15 inches thick. Catching some nice 1- and 2-pound fish.
Echo Reservoir - Slow. Some larger fish. Best fishing on east side.
Farmington Pond - Closed until May 25.
Holmes Creek - Slow fishing and ice marginal.
Hyrum Reservoir - Ice good. Slow for rainbow, but some large fish being taken.
Logan River - Good fly and lure fishing. River below Red Banks closed until July 13.
Lost Creek - Road plowed. Fair for skinny cutthroat and rainbow. Some limits being caught off bottom with baited teardrop. Twelve to 18 inches of ice.
Mantua - All bass under 15 inches must be released. Has been stocked and catching a few rainbow.
Newton - Spotty for a few good trout and perch.
Ogden River - Best with flies. Good fishing on restored stretch - mouth of canyon to Monroe. Spotty in canyon.
South Fork - Water level and conditions change. Catching a few fish. Good for whitefish.
Pineview - Fishing for perch in 10 to 30 feet. Minimum size limits on tiger muskies and bass.
Porcupine - Slow and spotty for good-sized kokanee.
Rockport - Slow fishing, with some 11/2-pound rainbow being caught. Meal worms and ice flies working best.
Twenty-first Street Pond - Slow. Ice questionable.
Weber River - Getting lots of pressure. Fishing is fair. Picking up a few browns below Rockport to Coalville using worms. Taking some whitefish.
Willard Bay - Ice very questionable.
Woodruff - Fair for cutthroat.
Burraston Ponds - Good for rainbow. Caution on ice.
Deer Creek - Good fishing for one-pound rainbows and smaller perch just off the bottom in 30 to 35 feet of water. Using skirted jigs with perch eye.
Provo River above Olmstead Dam - Artificial lures and flies only. Water is low and cold, fishing is tough.
Provo River below Olmstead Dam - Bait allowed. Well stocked with rainbow and good browns.
Utah Lake - White bass fishing is on. Lake ice covered and water low. Warmer water in March should increase white bass activity and trigger walleye run.
Thistle Creek Pond - Catching some browns and rainbows.
Jordan River - Rainbow planted north of 10600 South.
Cleveland Reservoir - Hot fishing for smaller rainbows. Use salmon eggs or cheese at 10-26 feet. Catching limits is commonplace.
Electric Lake - Ice fishing is good for 8- to 12-inch cutthroats. Jigging with white "Mr. Twisters" or other white, larvae-imitating lures.
Huntington Creek - Planted 700 pounds of excess brown brood on Jan. 23. Use floating worms, salmon eggs or cheese through the ice. Fly fishermen will want to use wet flies or nymphs, such as Haresear or March Brown patterns.
Joe's Valley - Ice fishing has slowed, although some large rainbow and splake are being caught. Best fishing in the mornings. Spin-a-lures, triple teasers, Maribou jigs and spoons, tipped with sucker meat or dead minnows, recommend for splake. Rainbows taking baits.
Lake Powell - Fishing is slow, but should start improving. Walleye will come back in late February and bass in March.
Loyd's Lake - Fair using jigs, salmon eggs and cheese.
Millsite - Slow and fish are small. Miminal pressure.
Recapture - Ice is wet and sloppy. Pressure low.
Scofield - Pressure light, fishing slow.
Baker - Fair fishing, good access. Some nice sized rainbow and brown being caught.
Enterprise - Fair for 10- to 14-inch rainbow.
Fish Lake - Slow for splake and rainbows.
Gunlock - Slow fishing.
Johnson - Slow.
Koosharem Reservoir - Very slow.
Lower Bowns - Good access and fishing. Check ice for safety.
Minersville Reservoir - Slow for small fish. Check ice.
Navajo Lake - Spotty fishing using jigs with baits. Access by snowmobile or skis only.
Newcastle - Poor fishing.
Panguitch Lake - Fair fishing using jigs and bait.
Pine Valley - Good.
Posey Lake - Access good, poor fishing.
Quail Creek Reservoir - Slow for rainbows. No bass activity.
Sand Cove - Slow.
Big Sand Wash - Fishing spotty ranging from good to slow.
Brough - Some ice fishing. Success varies.
Browne/Sheep Creek - Access limited.
Bullock/Cottonwood - Frozen, but being filled and edges soft. Bullock is fairly good.
Currant Creek - Frozen and fair to good fishing.
Diamond Mountain Lakes - Good fishing at Matt Warner and Calder. Access limited.
Flaming Gorge - Fair to good above Utah/Wyoming border in Sheep Creek and Linwood areas. Check ice in Utah as conditions may vary. Dutch John Draw open water with unsafe ice along edge.
Green River - Spotty to good fishing and light pressure. Road to Little Hole snowy and icy.
Paradise Park Reservoir - Frozen.
Pelican Lake - Frozen.
Red Creek Reservoir - Closed.
Red Fleet - Fair to good fishing.
Sheep Creek - Open, ice along edges.
Starvation - Fishing slow to fair, pressure light.
Steinaker - Fair to good fishing. Check ice carefully.
Strawberry River - Closed.
Unintah Mountain Lakes - Frozen. Some reports of good fishing. Access limited by snow.