A number of free publications with ideas to help people with home water conservation efforts are available from the Utah Division of Water Resources.
Virginia Jensen, coordinator of water education/conservation for the division, says the publications are useful for Utahns seeking to use water more wisely.The publications include tips on lawn watering and gardening, a checklist of water conservation tips and a pamphlet identifying water distribution sources along the Wasatch Front.
The division is also nearing completion of a turf watering study that will be used in special seminars for landscape management personnel at golf courses, parks and schools.
The initial report cites overwatering as the major cause of turf problems. The division has co-sponsored a water education program for Utah's elementary school students and teachers for several years.
For copies of the water conservation publications or information about turf management seminars, write the Utah Division of Water Resources, 1636 W. North Temple, Suite 310, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 or call 538-7235.